Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NETS-S powerpoint (NETS-T 1, 2, 3)

This is a slideshow created in PowerPoint to present information on the NETS for students in grades PK through 2.

SlideShare Presentation:

Journal 5: Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment (NETS-T 5)

Bull, Glen (2006, April). Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment. Leanring & Leading with Technology, 7, Retrieved March 3, 2009, from

What is so great about a Web 2.0 environment? Internet users do not have to seek out information because the information comes to the user. This is made possible through the use of RSS feeds, which can make possible an endless array of educational opportunities. Glen Bull explains that RSS can allow teachers to follow multiple student postings, facilitate collaborative writing, share images, and track news topics.

Following student postings on blogs can be a great way to integrate technology into the classroom. Students can post projects on their bogs and teachers can keep organized by subscribing to those blogs. This can be done in an organized fashion by using web-based readers such as Blogline.

Students can also collaborate and syndicate with web-based word processors. Writely is a good tool for these types of team projects. To do applications like TaDa allow students to collaboratively maintain a checklist of planned project items. Flickr also provides RSS feeds for any tag of interest so students can share photos quickly and easily. All of the applications described above store data on the Web for no charge to the user as well as incorporate RSS feeds. Internet users can also use a Web 2.0 desktop such as iGoogle to personalize their homepages with accessible RSS feeds.

Many of these RSS feeds are being used daily by both teachers and students without their realizing it. If the capabilities of RSS feeds were explored and actively pursued, there could be endless possibilities for the use of this technology in the classroom.

Question 1: How do you think that you can incorporate this type of technology in the classroom?

I love the idea of having my students make their own blogs and turning in their assignments via their blogs. I can then use a reader such as Blogline to follow my students' blogs. This would be such an easy and efficient way of keeping track of homework. I would also encourage my students to use iGoogle to set up their own personal homepages.

Question 2: Have you ever used this technology before?

I have used this technology before but had not realized that it was RSS. I have a Web 2.0 desktop, and I have subscribed to other people's blogs. Until I read this article, I had no idea what RSS was, but now that I know I see those orange RSS buttons EVERYWHERE!