Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Journal 8: Virtual Worlds (NETS-T 5)

Bigenho, Chris (April, 2009). Mining for Gold. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36, Retrieved April 15, 2009, from

A virtual world is a computer simulated virtual 3D environment that operates over the internet where users can manipulate, inhabit, and interact with other users via an avatar (a visual representation of the user). The virtual environments can either depict real world environments or be purely fantasy based. These virtual worlds are most often used in the context of gaming, but they do not require the elements of a game. That is why virtual worlds are an intriguing and inviting educational tool for 21st century teachers.

Before beginning this assignment, I knew very little about virtual worlds and could not even imagine how these computer-based simulations could be incorporated into an educational environment. Now, I have begun to understand the ways in which virtual worlds can broaden the educational and technological activities available to students. Virtual worlds can be used for many different educational purposes.
One of the really cool virtual worlds that I discovered on Web 2.0 was Quest Atlantis which is a safe educational world for students where they can maneuver through pre-determined quests or quests that are set up by their classroom teacher. Through Quest Atlantis students and teachers are able to collaborate with their peers on “quests,” which consist of science, humanities, life skills, and other themes.

Another way that Second Life can be used is for holding virtual office hours, and for meeting other technologically savvy educators. There are also a multitude of in-world learning resources such as virtual museums and simulations. I found that there are many different ways to get involved in second life, but SimTeach Second Life Wiki and Second Life in Education Wiki are two great places to start.

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