Ribble, Mike (2008). Passport to Digital Citizenship. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved Feb, 02, 2009, from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/Current_Issue/L_L_November.htm
In the article, Passport to Digital Citizenship, Mike Ribble addresses his concerns regarding digital citizenship. He covers nine themes that he believes are important in encouraging students to become full citizens of the digital frontier. These nine themes focus on what is appropriate and responsible behavior when using technology. He believes that his nine elements of digital citizenship can be a key tool for educators who need help expressing the importance of using responsible behavior in regard to technology.
Ribble also proposes a cycle of integration that can aide teachers/parents in discussing technological issues with students/children. The four stages of this cycle include: awareness, guided practice, modeling and demonstration, and feedback and analysis. In this cycle there is also an emphasis on parent and community involvement in which we all should strive to have a universal understanding of the issues regarding technological issues occurring at school and in our homes.
The appropriate use of technology in school and at home is an important issue that should definitely be addressed by educators. Because technology has become such an integral part of our daily lives, it seems fitting that the proper use of such technology should be taught in our school systems. As an aspiring teacher, I feel that students need to know how to use technology in a responsible, safe, and appropriate manner. Since technology is forever changing, it is also important for students to be introduced to new technology with a positive attitude so that this outlook can be used to promote lifelong learning.
Question 1: What are some ways that you could use guided practice to teach digital citizenship?
Answer 1: Guided practice can help students realize that certain uses of technology are inappropriate. I think that a great way to get students to realize some of these inappropriate uses would be to role –play. Students can act out both the inappropriate and appropriate uses of technological devices such as iPods, cell phones, computers, etc. Another great way to guide students in the use of technology would be to have them reflect on their personal use of technology. I think that teachers should also guide appropriate use of technology by being a good role model as well. The best way to teach is to lead by example!
Question 2: How would you attempt to involve parents and the community in digital citizenship?
Answer 2: I would definitely begin with awareness. The lack of involvement by parents and the community is more than likely a result of their lack of awareness on the topic. I would encourage parents to become involved by sending a letter home explaining the importance of the appropriate use of technology. Maybe setting up a blog to explain both appropriate and not appropriate uses and ask for feedback from parents on how technology is used in their daily lives.
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